My little Henry turned 2 the day after Valentines…I was so sad….I can’t say I’m the mommy of a one-year-old anymore….I just wish I could freeze time. Since I don’t have a studio- I tacked up a white sheet in the construction area of the boys soon-to-be bunkroom…and just wanted to document his sweetness for a second.
I baked him a little cake- but my sister {Sara} did the hard part- decorating a little fox & making a little banner for the birthday boy.
Poor planning on mommy- cake time at nap time? He was so overwhelmed and tired…really not sure what to think of all the fuss.
Some help from big brother Marcus & best little friend Gracie with the blowing out the candle part.
Obviously, Super Grover 2.0 perked him right up!
And after the party? Back up stairs playing with his favorite choo-choos and Darth Vader. xx