Seconding for the First. Pushing myself creatively & technically. A CT wedding. Film.


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Sep 21

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This year I’ve been pushing myself as an artist in several ways. The biggest one being I have begun incorporating medium format film into my professional work {and for those of you that follow this blog,  you’ve been in the know!} Many friends and clients {who most always become friends} have been asking me WHY?…

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Windy Ridge Orchard Field Trip


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Sep 19

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As many of you know, Marcus {aka Sparky} started big boy pre-school this Fall….and he had his first field trip this week to Windy Ridge Orchard, in North Haverhill, New Hampshire. It was a cold, and some what damp morning- but we all had a blast tramping through the trees & feeding the farm animals.…

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Monday’s Quote: Gather Flowers

Monday's Quote

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Sep 10

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“To have ideas is to gather flowers; to think is to weave them into garland.” Anne-Sophie Swetchine I suddenly realized today that summer really has come & gone…it’s so crazy chilly here today! Hello, warm and fuzzy sweater & my favorite boots….but I just got this roll of film back from some scenes around my…

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