{Wiggles, being Wiggles…..Sparky, being Sparky/Woody on his first day of summer pre-school}
Yesterday my sister stopped by and ate some delicious gluten-free cupcakes that Sparky & I had whipped up…surprisingly enough, they were delicious and didn’t have that gritty gluten-free graininess to them…but that’s not the point of my post. Sara was taking a break from working on her annual review for work- you know, where in the corporate world you have to write down your goals and if you met the, what you did in the year, etc. She had forgotten about a NYC trip to meet with the team at Eileen Fisher- kinda a big deal, and a presentation, and some other techy stuff. It made me stop and think, what did I do that was fabulous in 2011? All I had been focusing on was how I was going to make 2012 better {gluten-free, a sprint triathlon, more family time, an efficient workflow, my list goes on for pages….} Anywho- 2011 was pretty kick-ass…and I don’t want to forget it either…so I’ve dug out some of my most favorite and inspiring images from the past year to share and ramble about.
As 2010 closed & 2011 began, I was on bed-rest expecting baby Henry. My biggest concern for those 11 weeks wasn’t about my business, my photography, or even the state of my home: my main concern was having a healthy baby. My new year;s resolution for 2011 was pretty simple: have a happy, healthy, Henry at full-term {28 weeks just was a bit too soon for this Mama}….
And then January rolled into February & my Henry wasn’t in danger of being a preemie…and I was 37 weeks and pretty much tired of sitting still….and I since I was given so much time to reflect on my photography, life, and family…I came up with some more goals for the new year.
1. Complete the 50K diabetes bike race with Nate {which I did, but I have to tell you, I had no idea that I’d have any post-baby-surgery ickiness to deal with…and I’ll spare you all the details, but the fact that I did this in June is pretty amazing for those of you that know my personal health garbage!}
2. Shoot more with PRIME lenses…did. Some of my most favorite images from 2011 were shot with primes. I’m still learning…but good god, prime lenses kinda blow my mind!
3. Drink water every day. {I’m pretty random with my lists} and this is one that I really didn’t follow through on at all. Sad. 2012 & H20 = for reals.
4. Take more landscape photos- document the scenes better. I’m still working on that, but I’m making strides.
5. Get published in X magazine. {Um, yeah, that is going to happen- but you have to wait ’til the end of February for an official announcement…but keep your fingers crossed- I’m superstitious about crazy things like this!}
6. Front page of Style Me Pretty. {Yay! Thank you Emily of EH Floral!}
7. Take Jodi Picoult’s portrait. {For reals, I can’t even believe I did that!}
8. Take Carla Ten Eyck’s posing class and soak it all in {see the photo above of the adorable couple in the pretty tree…thanks C10!}
9. Enjoy life. Enjoy Family. Take the time.
#4. From Adria & Jason’s amazing wedding at the Castle in the Clouds in Moultonborough, New Hampshire. I recently had this put on BIG canvas and it now hangs over our bed.
This wedding is currently featured in GALA weddings magazine….but it refers to #8- thanks to Carla for helping me with my posing & taking control and getting the shot that is up in my little ol’ head.
#7} My most favorite author- Jodi Picoult- who I read 3 of her books while on bedrest {one of the few perks}…I was lucky enough to take her portrait at the Highlands Inn for a fundraising event this summer. I was so nervous I was shaking like a leaf <3
A combo of #2 & #4 – more landscapes & shooting primes….I was jumping up and down with excitement with the fog and colors on this early morning shoot with Jason & Tara {can’t wait for your wedding at the Alerin Barn in 2012!}
My best friend’s wedding. This doesn’t really fall into any of my goals- but I did embrace the light. And I just love this photo because it was my best friend’s wedding. DUH. And that sweet couch now resides in my living room. Flowers: Flower Kiosk.
#2. Those prime lenses. They just seem to capture the soul if you nail it.
#9. Family. Photography. Who says I can’t combine both? While I was shooting this sweet shot of baby Eric {a.k.a. Wiggles b.f.f.} my Gram was helping me out with my guys…and brought Sparky {and his Woody doll} down to the ocean for the very first time}. A lot of people ask me how I do it all. I don’t. But I rely heavily on my family to help me when I’m stressed, help me with my boys, and to keep me sane. Especially in the in the thick of summer when I’m so busy I can’t really ever tell you what day it is. The long car ride to the Maine coast with my Gram and my boys was one of the best days of my life. I got to spend the entire day with Gram, my sweet boys, take photos, and eat lobster.
Another of my closest friends, Meredith, got married too. We’ve been friends for more than half my life {yeah, I’m that old!}….and I just adore this classic shot, because it is SO Meredith.
#6 – Front page of Style Me Pretty….I didn’t have a wedding on June 18th- instead I tagged along with my friend and crazy talented florist Emily of Emily Herzig Floral – this was a gorgeous wedding at Toad Hill Farm. This image is almost full page in the brand new Gala Weddings Magazine– Inspiration Closet….and it’s been on Bridal Guide online & of course, Style Me Pretty. It also happens to me one of my most favorite images of all time & I now have a white birdcage from Em to remind me of what a great day it was.
#8 & #4 Emma & Mike’s gorgeous oceanside wedding in Booth Bay Harbor at Spruce Point Inn. Sigh. Taking in the elements and placing them exactly where I needed them to be {even thought it mean I was laying down completely in icky sea-weed….so worth it!} Crazy beautiful flowers: Flora Fauna Design.
Another example of #8 & #4. Taking a moment to place things, remove the side table that was there…and prime. Hello,85 1.2 I think I love you. And of course, Emily looks amazzzzzzzzingly amazing. Mountain View Grand. Classic bouquet: EH Floral.
More prime lenses…and probably the last official shot taken in my studio. I had to come to a few hard decisions this year….the hardest one was realizing that my studio/office just wasn’t the right fit for me at this time. It was an adorable place & I loved being there. However, I’ve learned that with 2 little ones, it’s not so easy to get to the office…so I relocated everything back to home camp. I hope in the future, when these guys are in school, to return to the Old Village School & my beloved Bell Tower Studio. Sigh. {On a happy note, Henry is proudly wearing a little lamb hat that one of my brides, Vanessa made just for him…you can buy a pattern from HERE.}
As 2011 came to a close , I had the opportunity to photograph this sweet baby girl, Brynn. Her daddy is no longer with us & she truly was a gift from him in every sense of the word. Her mother & I brainstormed ideas to incorporate her father, Nick, into the shoot…we did lots of things…but this image of her in dad’s sap bucket from his maple sugar house is one of my favorites. {BTW, we did this in her grandmother’s living room…not in the studio…and with natural light}. This images reminds me to be greatful for what I have, thankful for my blesssings, and to remember to not take the little things for granted.
What was your highlight of 2011? What are your dreams for 2012?
xoxo meg & crew