Dear Hank,
Today’s the day you’ve been waiting for all summer- your chance to go to the Blue School with your big brother. I’m so happy that you can get your start in the same one room school house as Marcus & that you will be both be under the same roof. Marcus is so excited to keep an eye out for you and keep you safe. You’ve come leaps and bounds this summer with your speech; we are all so proud of you. I know that the classes might be harder this year, but I’m ready to be there by your side as you learn new ways to say your words and how to process them in your pretty little head. There are so many ways that you brighten our days, and even the days of complete strangers. Your bright eyes and easy smile can get you out of trouble in a heartbeat. I love reading “Good Night Moon” with you every.single.night. And the Mickey Mouse books, and the Berenstein Bears and all your other favorites too. I love how you like to be with me in the kitchen, especially when we bake yummy treats. And how you love to be in the barn with the horses and your bunny. And how you play with your baby cousin, Thora…you can make her stop crying by just talking to her in your special way. I love that you still love to snuggle in the morning {even if it’s at 5 am} and how you will eat any thing on your plate. How you name everything special to you “Bo-Bo” ; so that we now have a bunny, a baby doll, a horse & even a beef cow with the same name. Henry Paul- you are the best little 3 year old a mom could ask for. Daddy & Marcus & I are so very lucky to have you complete our family. Love you to the moon and back, Mommy.