dog love rodeo co photo

“Dogs never lie about love.” ~Jeffrey Masson



Emily & Justin’s beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog, Millie, was so incredibly adorable at their wedding a few weeks ago on the Cape….she was present during the ceremony & every time the Rabbi said “Amen” she would bark! It was perfect timing and hilarious….she also got a little excited when it was time for her parents to exchange rings and trotted over to be under the Chuppah.rodeoandcophoto-1-5

Mille also LOVES getting her picture taken…which made my job easier….Clients often ask me if it’s okay if they bring their dog to their engagement session or wedding portraits- and the answer is always yes…I do recommend though, especially for a wedding, to have a designated family or friend responsible for your dog….that way we can focus on the photos and not chasing them around…Plus, like a small child, if I have a special person standing over me calling the dog’s name then they will look at the camera {or the odds are higher!}



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