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rodeo & Co.

San Francisco: Flora Grubb Gardens

Vendor Love

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Mar 17

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Last week I had 4 glorious days in the San Francisco sun…one of the many highlights of my trip was a morning at Flora Grubb Gardens….vintage bicycles hanging from the ceiling, old vehicles turned into art-with-nature, a ginormous succulent wall…..and palm trees, explosions of color….my mind was on overload. I even got to build little…

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Autumn in Kennebunkport, Maine

A Note from Meg

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Oct 30

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A couple weekends ago, my jam-packed wedding season came to a close for the season {still a few more late Autumn weddings and some beautiful winter wedding to look forward- but the busy-busy-busy season came to an close on a gorgeous weekend}. I had a family session to shoot in Maine- so Nate & I…

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